Eye doctor appointment late today got home @ 6pm- update Group: alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.news.club-4-webbtv Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2004, 11:38pm From: MOONDOGEE@webtv.net (I Y I) Eye doctor appointment late today got home @ 6pm- update 4 key points --------------- 1.) Right eye has scar tissue. This is caused from intense and prolonged exposure to the glare of the sun intensified by glare reflected by water. The eye surface is damaged and the eye grows the scar tissue to shade the eye to protect it. The problem is that this as it grows over time does several harmful things. 1.a) It impairs vision that gradually grows worse. 1.b) The eye no longer has a smooth surface. The scar tissue is rough. It collects dirt from the air and causes eye infections. Cure? Surgery to remove the scar tissue. Make the surface smooth and then graph tissue from under the eyelid. Procedure takes about 1/2 hour done out patient at the hospital.The patient is not knocked out. But the eye is numbed and will not move. Eye heals completely in 3 days. 2.) Diabetes effects eyes. The pressure of the fluids due to sugar levels. Keep your blood levels stable as possible. 3.) Eye dryness. Use eye drops and put collagen plugs in tear ducts. Been done again for the 4th time today. 4.) Eye infections cured by drops. May have body wide=systemic infection staff or ? Cure eye drops and possible antibiotics. So I will need to have surgery. When? Soon so I can get these eye infections to stop. Probablywith in 3 months. I want to get my Brother through his hernia operation on the 20th before we make plans for my eye surgery. We take care of each other that is the way it will always be. That's all for now. No worries just stuff I gotta go through. ;)